Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I am still here!

Just wanted to send out a quick "hi!" to everyone still reading this blog. :) I have been spending some time at my parent's house over the Easter Break, and SHOCKINGLY, they have no internet access!!

To complicate matters, I fell running up the stairs (takes talent to do that) and cut a big laceration in my right knee on Wednesday night a week ago, and have 9 staples in it right now. I am not supposed to be bending it, so stairs are not fun. Since I have been home, I haven't been downstairs much, and that is where the computer is. Plus the idea of catching up on all my emails and blogs was overwhelming!

Food wise I am still struggling. Sadly, I cannot exercise right now, and that is another stumbling block. However, yesterday my goal was not to eat any chocolate or Easter Candy at ALL. I was able to do that, so I am happy about at least doing one right thing. Now to cut out all JUNK completely and get back to losing weight. I am SO ready!


  1. Sue, so sorry about your injury!

    Good for you for dodging the candy!

  2. Oh goodness! I hope that your knee heals quickly!

  3. Awww... I hope you feel better soon! :)

  4. Hope your knee heals up fast! Good job on not eating the chocolate! That's a big struggle for me too!

  5. This is the first time reading your blog and I am very inspired. I hope you have a speedy recovery. Also congratulations on your success losing the weight. Keep up the great work.
